Friday, July 24, 2009


Ini salah satu cara guasa utk migrain atau sakit kepala..selamat mencuba


guasa adalah salah satu cara urutan tradisional cina yang telah lama diperkenalkan. Namun masih ramai yang belum tahu.
Teknik guasa ini boleh membantu melancarkan sistem peredaran darah dalam badan sambil membekalkan oksigen dalam tubuh melalui urutan.Bagi mereka yang tidak tahu mengurut,guasa dapat membantu kerana urutan guasa akan mengenai semua poin-poin akupuncture dibadan seseorang.
Guasa juga mampu menunjukkan samada badan seseorang itu bermasalah atau tidak..

Thursday, July 23, 2009



The 21st century – it marks remarkable milestones in technological progress, yet it also marks an era when potent strains of viruses, modern diseases and epidemics spread waves of panic on a global scale.

Adding to that, the six problems of the modern age, namely air pollution, water contamination, daily stress, a lack of exercise, erratic lifestyles and an unbalanced diet further act on our semi-healthy condition, weakening its natural healing ability.

With an understanding of modern needs, ELKEN’s approach to optimal health, through a four-step process based on Molecular Reform Therapy (MRT) concept, is now acknowledged as one of the most acceptable therapy concept for modern living.

A brainchild of the U.S. Congress’s Special Committee of Nutrient Investigation (SCNI) established in 1975, the MRT concept was first introduced through a 5,000-page report titled Elements Required by Human and Nutrients fronted by two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr Linus Pauling after an in-depth study on nutrition.

Also known as the Cell Reform Therapy, the MRT advocates that the human body will not fall sick as long as the body cells are receiving balanced nutrients regularly – free from metabolic abnormalities at cellular level. Accordingly, The ELKEN MRT emphasises on feeding the body with four life-supporting elements to achieve optimal health.


my health

this site will be help you to got the answer about your health..('ve got the answer about water quality from this site..

soalan tentang air

apakah benar air yang sepatutnya diambil oleh badan kita mesti mengandungi kandungan mineral seperti di warwarkan oleh beberapa syarikat penapis air? bukan kah sepatutnya air yang diambil oleh badan hanya H2O shj..maknanya air tulen dan mineral sepatutnya diambil melalui pemakanan seperti disarankan melalui konsep terapi pembaharuan molekul oleh dr linus pauling..


Terima kasih kerana menggunakan portal kami.

Memang benar bahawa kita seharusnya mendapatkan keperluan mineral kita dari makanan dan bukannya dari air minuman kecuali jus buah-buahan. Biasanya untuk memperolehi mineral, pakar pemakanan akan menggalakkan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan. Sekiranya terdapat keperluan tambahan mineral yang tertentu pakar pemakanan akan menggalakkan makanan seperti susu, daging dan kekacang. Makanan-makanan ini juga membekalkan kita dengan vitamin yang membantu penyerapan mineral atau diperlukan untuk mineral bertindak dalam metabolisme.
Alat penapis air biasanya digunakan untuk membersihkan air dari kuman dan kotoran termasuk mineral bukan organik dan kadangkala klorin. Kurang pasti samada syarikat alat penapis air akan menyarankan air yang mengandungi mineral seperti yang anda maklumkan. Syarikat yang menjual alat mineral pot atau air mineral sahaja yang biasanya akan membuat saranan berikut. Bagaimana pun pakar pemakanan berpendapat sumbangan mineral mineral pot adalah terlalu minima. Anda juga diminta berwaspada dengan penggunaan alat penapis air kerana ianya boleh memudaratkan sekiranya penapis pada alat tersebut tidak diselenggarakan dengan baik.
Biasanya air minuman yang mengandungi mineral cuma digalakkan untuk ahli sukan. Air minuman sukan ini ditambah karbohidrat, vitamin dan beberapa bahan lain. Ianya boleh menyegerakan pemulihan paras elektrolit dan glukos ahli sukan. Ini penting untuk atlit yang kehilangan eletrolit badan semasa aktif bersukan melebihi 2 jam. Bagi pelumba basikal jarak jauh, mereka ini biasanya dibekalkan dengan buah pisang. Kandungan mineral dalam air mineral biasanya adalah terlalu rendah bagi tujuan ini. Air kelapa muda adalah punca mineral yang lebih baik untuk kita berbanding dengan air minuman mineral.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

the best food for body

Elken Spirulina is a highly nutritious health food, power-packed with vegetative protein, Gamma Linolenic Acid, Glycogen, numerous vitamins and minerals. This alkaline seaweed can be readily digested and easily assimilated by the human body. It is an ideal food supplement for achieving good health and energy.


Elken Spirulina is an ideal food supplement for all ages.
Recommended Consumption

Adults : Take 5 to 10 tablets each time, 2 to 3 times daily before or after meals.
Children : Take 1 to 4 tablet(s) each time, 2 to 3 times daily before or after meals.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blood pressure and your kidneys

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of arteries when blood circulates in the body to supply nutrition and oxygen to your cells. The upper number of the blood pressure reading is the systolic pressure, which means how hard the heart works to pump blood. The lower number on the reading is the diastolic pressure that measures the pressure on the arteries when the heart is resting between beats.

What is high blood pressure and should you be concerned?

When blood vessels become narrow and rigid, the heart is forced to pump harder, causing the force of the blood to become too high.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can cause damage to major organs and if left untreated, it can lead to a stroke, kidney failure, heart failure, heart attack or eye problems. The damages at this stage would be permanent and irreversible. Fortunately, these problems can be reversed if high blood pressure is diagnosed early and effective treatment in instituted.

How does blood pressure damage the kidneys?

High blood pressure may be a cause or an effect of kidney failure. In the former, the thickened blood vessels, caused by hypertension, restrict the blood flow through the kidneys. Filtration is impaired and the kidneys are thus unable to remove wastes from the body.

In the latter, failing kidneys are unable to secrete substances, which are believed to control blood pressure. In this case, the damaged kidneys play the role of causing a rise in the blood pressure. Salt retention cause by kidney failure also causes the body to hold fluid and this puts a burden on the heart.

How do I know if I have high blood pressure?

  • headaches
  • dizziness
  • nose bleeds

Hypertension is often called the ``silent killer`` because outward symptoms often do not show. The only way to know if you have a problem is to have your blood pressure checked regularly.

Treatment of high blood pressure

High blood pressure can be effectively treated with prompt and continuous professional attention. In some cases, it can be controlled by diet alone. More severe cases require treatment with drugs.

Cause of high blood pressure and are you at risk?

Inherent risk factor


A family history puts you at a greater risk


More common after age 35


Men are at a greater risk. However, a woman’s risk increases after menopause and during pregnancy.

Sensitivity to sodium

Sodium sensitivity can lead to an increase in body fluids and create pressure on the walls of the arteries. You can control its effects by reducing your sodium intake.


According to the Ministry of Health, Singapore, Indian males are at a greater risk compared to the Chinese and Malays.

Non-inherent risk factors


Over weight forces your heart to work harder to pump blood throughout your body


Regular and excessive drinking of alcohol can dramatically increase your blood pressure.

Cigarette Smoking

Every time you smoke, your blood pressure rises. Nicotine causes the small blood vessels to become narrower and your heart works harder to force blood through these passages.


A diet high in cholesterol, fat and sodium may lead to high blood pressure.

Lack of exercise

Without regular exercise, your blood vessels and muscles lose their tone and strength. This may lead to high blood pressure.


Emotional stress, anger and frustration are associated with high blood pressure and heart problems.

Oral contraceptives

Women who take birth control pills need to take special care since the pills can cause blood pressure to rise in some women.

High blood pressure is one of the major preventable causes of kidney disease. Therefore, you and your doctor will need to work together to keep your blood pressure under control. It is important to remember that high blood pressure can be controlled and treated successfully.

Early detection and long-term treatment are the keys to a longer, healthier life by preventing kidney failure, heart disease and stroke.